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LDPE 1I30A 熔融指数: 30 g/10min 燕山石化

更新时间:2024-06-22 08:10:00
燕山石化:15 g/10 min

LDPE 1I30A - Meet Your High Standards in and Affordability!

Looking for a low density polyethylene that can perform at high standards, without breaking the bank? Look no further than LDPE 1I30A, available from Yanshan Petrochemical!

With a melt index of 30 g/10min, this LDPE resin performs exceptionally in a variety of applications, from packaging to wire and cable coating, and more. And at just 11 yuan per piece, it's a highly affordable option - without sacrificing .

One of the key properties of LDPE 1I30A is its melt index. Specifically, it has a melt index of 15 g/10min when produced with Yanshan Petrochemical's proprietary process. What does that mean for you? This high melt index brings many benefits, such as ease of processing, improved toughness, and excellent optical properties. Whether you're extruding, blow-molding, or injection-molding, this resin will provide you with stable results.

Additionally, LDPE 1I30A features a specific type of stabilization: it is stabilized with FDA-approved antioxidants and antistatic agents. That makes it ideal for use in food packaging applications, such as bread bags and produce bags. And with its good heat-sealing performance, it can be used in many other packaging applications, too.

Another benefit of this LDPE resin is its compatibility with other polymers. It can be blended with other polyethylene resins, as well as with polypropylene and EVA resins. That versatility means you can tailor the properties of your final product to meet your specific requirements.

At Yanshan Petrochemical, we're dedicated to providing our customers with high-, value-priced resins. That's why we've developed LDPE 1I30A - to meet the demands of the modern market. Order your LDPE 1I30A today and discover how it can help your business succeed!


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